Record Number 32

Each section of the data has its own class, as to be readable by Zotero. I haven't yet developed a plugin for doing so, but would like to do so in the future. Memorial text is not in place for any of the claims yet, but I have included a placeholder field.

Basic information

Case Number: 32

Date: 1824-11-24

Summary of incident: Custom house charged higher duties on imported cotton than previously charged--changed without notice. After U.S. merchants in Alvarado successfully pleaded for reinstatement of former duties, extra revenue from 3 months of increased duties was kept by Mexican government. Claim was for loss.

Amounts claimed

Principal: $1318

Interest: $1121

Interest percentage: %

Total: $2439

Date claim filed:


Award by U.S. judge: $2439

Award by Mexican judge: $

Final award principal: $1318

Final award interest: $1121

Final award total: $2439

Date of final decision: 1842-01-06

Location of incident

Place name at time: Alvarado, Vera Cruz, Mexico

Place name today: Alvarado, Veracruz, Mexico


Name: Mary Ann Reilly

Name: Thomas Reilly

Name: Joanna Reilly

Name: Stephen G. Brown

Ship (if ship involved)

Ship name: -

Ship type: -

Home port: Philadelphia, PA, USA

     (today Philadelphia, PA, USA)

Destination port: Alvarado, Vera Cruz, Mexico

     (today Alvarado, Veracruz, Mexico)

Destination of goods: -


Text of memorial:

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