Browse Items (71 total)

Reports of Santa Anna's arrival in Lexington, Kentucky, and his illness there.

Reports of Mexican rumors of secret deal between Santa Anna and the United States government.

Reports that Memucan Hunt, new Texas minister to the United States, has arrived in Washington. Also reports that the Mexican Congress is debating war with the United States, and that there was celebration at the news of Santa Anna's release.

Reports of army being assembled for reconquest of Texas.

Reports that an army is being assembled in Mexico for an reconquest of Texas.

Reports that Santa Anna has given $500,000 to the Republic of Texas government.

Reports that Santa Anna has been declared an outlaw in Mexico.

Reports on the state of affairs in Mexico, including insurrections, the arrival of former minister to the United States Manuel Eduardo de Gorostiza, and rumors of an impending reconquest of Texas.

Reports on Congressional debates about recognition of Texas, noting that Santa Anna was free and in Washington.

Reports a message from President Jackson in regard to Texas, on the day before Santa Anna arrived in Washington. Also reports of Almonte and Bee's arrival in Washington.
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